source | dataset | .html | .RData |
bis | CPI | 2024-12-29 | 2022-01-20 |
ecb | CES | 2025-01-31 | 2025-01-26 |
eurostat | nama_10_co3_p3 | 2025-01-26 | 2024-12-14 |
eurostat | prc_hicp_cow | 2025-02-01 | 2024-10-08 |
eurostat | prc_hicp_ctrb | 2025-02-01 | 2024-10-08 |
eurostat | prc_hicp_inw | 2025-01-26 | 2025-01-26 |
eurostat | prc_hicp_manr | 2025-02-01 | 2025-01-26 |
eurostat | prc_hicp_midx | 2024-11-01 | 2025-02-01 |
eurostat | prc_hicp_mmor | 2025-02-01 | 2025-01-26 |
eurostat | prc_ppp_ind | 2025-01-26 | 2024-10-08 |
eurostat | sts_inpp_m | 2024-06-24 | 2025-01-26 |
eurostat | sts_inppd_m | 2025-01-31 | 2025-01-26 |
eurostat | sts_inppnd_m | 2024-06-24 | 2025-01-26 |
fred | cpi | 2025-01-31 | 2025-01-31 |
fred | inflation | 2025-01-31 | 2025-01-31 |
imf | CPI | 2024-06-20 | 2020-03-13 |
oecd | MEI_PRICES_PPI | 2024-09-15 | 2024-04-15 |
oecd | PPP2017 | 2024-04-16 | 2023-07-25 |
oecd | PRICES_CPI | 2024-04-16 | 2024-04-15 |
wdi | FP.CPI.TOTL.ZG | 2023-01-15 | 2024-09-18 |
wdi | NY.GDP.DEFL.KD.ZG | 2024-09-18 | 2024-09-18 |
Purchasing power parities (PPPs), price level indices and real expenditures for ESA 2010 aggregates
Data - Eurostat
Data on inflation
2025-02-01 |
prc_ppp_ind group_by(time) %>%
summarise(Nobs = n()) %>%
arrange(desc(time)) %>%
head(1) %>%
time | Nobs |
2023 | 20921 |
What’s PPP ?
PPPs are nothing more than price relatives that show the ratio of the prices in national currencies of the same good or service in different countries. For example, if the price of a litre of Coca Cola is 2.30 euros in France and 2.00 dollars in the United States, then the PPP for Coca Cola between France and the United States is the ratio 2.30 euros to 2.00 dollars or 1.15 euros to the dollar. This means that for every dollar spent on Coca Cola in the United States, 1.15 euros would have to be spent in France to obtain the same quantity and quality – or, in other words, the same volume - of Coca Cola.
Eurostat Website
Actual individual consumption per capita
Volume indices of AIC and GDP per capita
prc_ppp_ind left_join(na_item, by = "na_item") %>%
group_by(na_item, Na_item) %>%
summarise(Nobs = n()) %>%
arrange(-Nobs) %>%
na_item | Na_item | Nobs |
PPP_EU15 | Purchasing power parities (EU15=1) | 72588 |
PLI_EU15 | Price level indices (EU15=100) | 72471 |
PPP_EU27_2007 | Purchasing power parities (EU27_2007=1) | 67716 |
PLI_EU27_2007 | Price level indices (EU27_2007=100) | 67662 |
PPP_EU27_2020 | Purchasing power parities (EU27_2020=1) | 66543 |
PLI_EU27_2020 | Price level indices (EU27_2020=100) | 66512 |
EXP_NAC | Nominal expenditure in national currency | 61728 |
EXP_EUR_HAB | Nominal expenditure per inhabitant (in euro) | 61677 |
EXP_EUR | Nominal expenditure (in euro) | 61676 |
EXP_NAC_PC_GDP | Nominal expenditure as a percentage of GDP (GDP=100) | 61676 |
PPP_EU28 | Purchasing power parities (EU28=1) | 57844 |
PLI_EU28 | Price level indices (EU28=100) | 57832 |
EXP_PPS_EU15_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU15) | 55259 |
EXP_PPS_EU15 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU15) | 55133 |
VI_PPS_EU15_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU15=100) | 55133 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2007_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2007) | 51648 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2007 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU27_2007) | 51521 |
VI_PPS_EU27_2007_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2007=100) | 51521 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2020 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU27_2020) | 50708 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2020_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2020) | 50567 |
VI_PPS_EU27_2020_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2020=100) | 50567 |
EXP_PPS_EU28 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU28) | 44113 |
EXP_PPS_EU28_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU28) | 44113 |
VI_PPS_EU28_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU28=100) | 44113 |
prc_ppp_ind left_join(ppp_cat, by = "ppp_cat") %>%
group_by(ppp_cat, Ppp_cat) %>%
summarise(Nobs = n()) %>%
prc_ppp_ind left_join(geo, by = "geo") %>%
group_by(geo, Geo) %>%
summarise(Nobs = n()) %>%
arrange(-Nobs) %>%
mutate(Geo = ifelse(geo == "DE", "Germany", Geo)) %>%
mutate(Flag = gsub(" ", "-", str_to_lower(Geo)),
Flag = paste0('<img src="../../bib/flags/vsmall/', Flag, '.png" alt="Flag">')) %>%
select(Flag, everything()) %>%
if (is_html_output()) datatable(., filter = 'top', rownames = F, escape = F) else .} {
prc_ppp_ind group_by(time) %>%
summarise(Nobs = n()) %>%
time | Nobs |
1995 | 12204 |
1996 | 12183 |
1997 | 12318 |
1998 | 12327 |
1999 | 31969 |
2000 | 32109 |
2001 | 32361 |
2002 | 32109 |
2003 | 58733 |
2004 | 58733 |
2005 | 63244 |
2006 | 63792 |
2007 | 63382 |
2008 | 63382 |
2009 | 63382 |
2010 | 63792 |
2011 | 63792 |
2012 | 63792 |
2013 | 64135 |
2014 | 64197 |
2015 | 64197 |
2016 | 64197 |
2017 | 64197 |
2018 | 64250 |
2019 | 64196 |
2020 | 64108 |
2021 | 21089 |
2022 | 21230 |
2023 | 20921 |
Germany, France, Italy
GDP - Gross domestic product
prc_ppp_ind filter(ppp_cat == "GDP",
%in% c("FR", "DE", "IT"),
geo == "PPP_EU27_2020") %>%
na_item %>%
year_to_date left_join(geo, by = "geo") %>%
left_join(colors, by = c("Geo" = "country")) %>%
+ geom_line(aes(x = date, y = values, color = color)) +
ggplot scale_color_identity() + theme_minimal() + add_3flags +
scale_x_date(breaks = as.Date(paste0(seq(1960, 2028, 2), "-01-01")),
labels = date_format("%Y")) +
xlab("") + ylab("") +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 4000, .05))
E01 - Final consumption expenditure
prc_ppp_ind filter(ppp_cat == "E01",
%in% c("FR", "DE", "IT"),
geo == "PPP_EU27_2020") %>%
na_item %>%
year_to_date left_join(geo, by = "geo") %>%
left_join(colors, by = c("Geo" = "country")) %>%
+ geom_line(aes(x = date, y = values, color = color)) +
ggplot scale_color_identity() + theme_minimal() + add_3flags +
scale_x_date(breaks = as.Date(paste0(seq(1960, 2028, 2), "-01-01")),
labels = date_format("%Y")) +
xlab("") + ylab("") +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 4000, .05))
E011 - Household final consumption expenditure
prc_ppp_ind filter(ppp_cat == "E011",
%in% c("FR", "DE", "IT"),
geo == "PPP_EU27_2020") %>%
na_item %>%
year_to_date left_join(geo, by = "geo") %>%
left_join(colors, by = c("Geo" = "country")) %>%
+ geom_line(aes(x = date, y = values, color = color)) +
ggplot scale_color_identity() + theme_minimal() + add_3flags +
scale_x_date(breaks = as.Date(paste0(seq(1960, 2028, 2), "-01-01")),
labels = date_format("%Y")) +
xlab("") + ylab("") +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 4000, .05))
A01 - Actual individual consumption
prc_ppp_ind filter(ppp_cat == "A01",
%in% c("FR", "DE", "IT"),
geo == "PPP_EU27_2020") %>%
na_item %>%
year_to_date left_join(geo, by = "geo") %>%
left_join(colors, by = c("Geo" = "country")) %>%
+ geom_line(aes(x = date, y = values, color = color)) +
ggplot scale_color_identity() + theme_minimal() + add_3flags +
scale_x_date(breaks = as.Date(paste0(seq(1960, 2028, 2), "-01-01")),
labels = date_format("%Y")) +
xlab("") + ylab("") +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 4000, .05))
Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels - A0104
prc_ppp_ind filter(ppp_cat == "A0104",
%in% c("FR")) %>%
geo left_join(na_item, by = "na_item") %>%
group_by(na_item, Na_item) %>%
summarise(Nobs = n(),
first = first(time),
last = last(time)) %>%
na_item | Na_item | Nobs | first | last |
EXP_EUR | Nominal expenditure (in euro) | 29 | 1995 | 2023 |
EXP_EUR_HAB | Nominal expenditure per inhabitant (in euro) | 29 | 1995 | 2023 |
EXP_NAC | Nominal expenditure in national currency | 29 | 1995 | 2023 |
EXP_NAC_PC_GDP | Nominal expenditure as a percentage of GDP (GDP=100) | 29 | 1995 | 2023 |
EXP_PPS_EU15 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU15) | 26 | 1995 | 2020 |
EXP_PPS_EU15_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU15) | 26 | 1995 | 2020 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2007 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU27_2007) | 22 | 1999 | 2020 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2007_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2007) | 22 | 1999 | 2020 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2020 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU27_2020) | 21 | 2003 | 2023 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2020_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2020) | 21 | 2003 | 2023 |
EXP_PPS_EU28 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU28) | 18 | 2003 | 2020 |
EXP_PPS_EU28_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU28) | 18 | 2003 | 2020 |
PLI_EU15 | Price level indices (EU15=100) | 26 | 1995 | 2020 |
PLI_EU27_2007 | Price level indices (EU27_2007=100) | 22 | 1999 | 2020 |
PLI_EU27_2020 | Price level indices (EU27_2020=100) | 21 | 2003 | 2023 |
PLI_EU28 | Price level indices (EU28=100) | 18 | 2003 | 2020 |
PPP_EU15 | Purchasing power parities (EU15=1) | 26 | 1995 | 2020 |
PPP_EU27_2007 | Purchasing power parities (EU27_2007=1) | 22 | 1999 | 2020 |
PPP_EU27_2020 | Purchasing power parities (EU27_2020=1) | 21 | 2003 | 2023 |
PPP_EU28 | Purchasing power parities (EU28=1) | 18 | 2003 | 2020 |
VI_PPS_EU15_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU15=100) | 26 | 1995 | 2020 |
VI_PPS_EU27_2007_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2007=100) | 22 | 1999 | 2020 |
VI_PPS_EU27_2020_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2020=100) | 21 | 2003 | 2023 |
VI_PPS_EU28_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU28=100) | 18 | 2003 | 2020 |
prc_ppp_ind filter(ppp_cat == "A0104",
== "2019",
time %in% c("FR", "DE", "IT")) %>%
geo select(na_item, geo, values) %>%
left_join(na_item, by = "na_item") %>%
spread(geo, values) %>%
na_item | Na_item | DE | FR | IT |
EXP_EUR | Nominal expenditure (in euro) | 4.12979e+05 | 3.49680e+05 | 2.44421e+05 |
EXP_EUR_HAB | Nominal expenditure per inhabitant (in euro) | 4.97000e+03 | 5.16100e+03 | 4.09200e+03 |
EXP_NAC | Nominal expenditure in national currency | 4.12979e+05 | 3.49680e+05 | 2.44421e+05 |
EXP_NAC_PC_GDP | Nominal expenditure as a percentage of GDP (GDP=100) | 1.19000e+01 | 1.43000e+01 | 1.36000e+01 |
EXP_PPS_EU15 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU15) | 4.33826e+05 | 3.49751e+05 | 3.00961e+05 |
EXP_PPS_EU15_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU15) | 5.20000e+03 | 5.20000e+03 | 5.00000e+03 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2007 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU27_2007) | 3.88743e+05 | 3.13404e+05 | 2.69685e+05 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2007_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2007) | 4.70000e+03 | 4.60000e+03 | 4.50000e+03 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2020 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU27_2020) | 3.57556e+05 | 2.88262e+05 | 2.48049e+05 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2020_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2020) | 4.30000e+03 | 4.30000e+03 | 4.20000e+03 |
EXP_PPS_EU28 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU28) | 3.87061e+05 | 3.12049e+05 | 2.68518e+05 |
EXP_PPS_EU28_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU28) | 4.70000e+03 | 4.60000e+03 | 4.50000e+03 |
PLI_EU15 | Price level indices (EU15=100) | 9.52000e+01 | 1.00000e+02 | 8.12000e+01 |
PLI_EU27_2007 | Price level indices (EU27_2007=100) | 1.06200e+02 | 1.11600e+02 | 9.06000e+01 |
PLI_EU27_2020 | Price level indices (EU27_2020=100) | 1.15500e+02 | 1.21300e+02 | 9.85000e+01 |
PLI_EU28 | Price level indices (EU28=100) | 1.06700e+02 | 1.12100e+02 | 9.10000e+01 |
PPP_EU15 | Purchasing power parities (EU15=1) | 9.51945e-01 | 9.99797e-01 | 8.12135e-01 |
PPP_EU27_2007 | Purchasing power parities (EU27_2007=1) | 1.06234e+00 | 1.11575e+00 | 9.06320e-01 |
PPP_EU27_2020 | Purchasing power parities (EU27_2020=1) | 1.15500e+00 | 1.21306e+00 | 9.85372e-01 |
PPP_EU28 | Purchasing power parities (EU28=1) | 1.06696e+00 | 1.12059e+00 | 9.10258e-01 |
VI_PPS_EU15_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU15=100) | 1.09000e+02 | 1.07000e+02 | 1.05000e+02 |
VI_PPS_EU27_2007_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2007=100) | 1.12000e+02 | 1.10000e+02 | 1.08000e+02 |
VI_PPS_EU27_2020_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2020=100) | 1.10000e+02 | 1.09000e+02 | 1.06000e+02 |
VI_PPS_EU28_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU28=100) | 1.12000e+02 | 1.10000e+02 | 1.08000e+02 |
Germany, France, Italy
prc_ppp_ind filter(ppp_cat == "A0104",
%in% c("FR", "DE", "IT"),
geo == "PPP_EU27_2020") %>%
na_item %>%
year_to_date left_join(geo, by = "geo") %>%
left_join(colors, by = c("Geo" = "country")) %>%
+ geom_line(aes(x = date, y = values, color = color)) +
ggplot scale_color_identity() + theme_minimal() + add_3flags +
scale_x_date(breaks = as.Date(paste0(seq(1960, 2028, 2), "-01-01")),
labels = date_format("%Y")) +
xlab("") + ylab("") +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 4000, .05))
prc_ppp_ind filter(ppp_cat == "A0104",
%in% c("FR", "DE", "IT"),
geo == "PLI_EU28") %>%
na_item %>%
year_to_date left_join(geo, by = "geo") %>%
left_join(colors, by = c("Geo" = "country")) %>%
+ geom_line(aes(x = date, y = values, color = color)) +
ggplot scale_color_identity() + theme_minimal() + add_3flags +
scale_x_date(breaks = as.Date(paste0(seq(1960, 2028, 2), "-01-01")),
labels = date_format("%Y")) +
xlab("") + ylab("") +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 4000, 5))
Household final consumption expenditure - E011
prc_ppp_ind filter(ppp_cat == "E011",
== "2019",
time %in% c("FR", "DE", "IT")) %>%
geo select(na_item, geo, values) %>%
left_join(na_item, by = "na_item") %>%
spread(geo, values) %>%
na_item | Na_item | DE | FR | IT |
EXP_EUR | Nominal expenditure (in euro) | 1.752890e+06 | 1.256724e+06 | 1.064898e+06 |
EXP_EUR_HAB | Nominal expenditure per inhabitant (in euro) | 2.109600e+04 | 1.854800e+04 | 1.782900e+04 |
EXP_NAC | Nominal expenditure in national currency | 1.752890e+06 | 1.256724e+06 | 1.064898e+06 |
EXP_NAC_PC_GDP | Nominal expenditure as a percentage of GDP (GDP=100) | 5.050000e+01 | 5.160000e+01 | 5.930000e+01 |
EXP_PPS_EU15 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU15) | 1.802651e+06 | 1.219566e+06 | 1.153480e+06 |
EXP_PPS_EU15_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU15) | 2.170000e+04 | 1.800000e+04 | 1.930000e+04 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2007 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU27_2007) | 1.691938e+06 | 1.144664e+06 | 1.082637e+06 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2007_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2007) | 2.040000e+04 | 1.690000e+04 | 1.810000e+04 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2020 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU27_2020) | 1.637171e+06 | 1.107612e+06 | 1.047593e+06 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2020_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2020) | 1.970000e+04 | 1.630000e+04 | 1.750000e+04 |
EXP_PPS_EU28 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU28) | 1.689270e+06 | 1.142859e+06 | 1.080930e+06 |
EXP_PPS_EU28_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU28) | 2.030000e+04 | 1.690000e+04 | 1.810000e+04 |
PLI_EU15 | Price level indices (EU15=100) | 9.720000e+01 | 1.030000e+02 | 9.230000e+01 |
PLI_EU27_2007 | Price level indices (EU27_2007=100) | 1.036000e+02 | 1.098000e+02 | 9.840000e+01 |
PLI_EU27_2020 | Price level indices (EU27_2020=100) | 1.071000e+02 | 1.135000e+02 | 1.017000e+02 |
PLI_EU28 | Price level indices (EU28=100) | 1.038000e+02 | 1.100000e+02 | 9.850000e+01 |
PPP_EU15 | Purchasing power parities (EU15=1) | 9.723960e-01 | 1.030470e+00 | 9.232050e-01 |
PPP_EU27_2007 | Purchasing power parities (EU27_2007=1) | 1.036020e+00 | 1.097900e+00 | 9.836150e-01 |
PPP_EU27_2020 | Purchasing power parities (EU27_2020=1) | 1.070680e+00 | 1.134620e+00 | 1.016520e+00 |
PPP_EU28 | Purchasing power parities (EU28=1) | 1.037660e+00 | 1.099630e+00 | 9.851680e-01 |
VI_PPS_EU15_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU15=100) | 1.120000e+02 | 9.300000e+01 | 9.900000e+01 |
VI_PPS_EU27_2007_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2007=100) | 1.180000e+02 | 9.800000e+01 | 1.050000e+02 |
VI_PPS_EU27_2020_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2020=100) | 1.220000e+02 | 1.010000e+02 | 1.080000e+02 |
VI_PPS_EU28_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU28=100) | 1.190000e+02 | 9.800000e+01 | 1.060000e+02 |
Gross domestic product - GDP
prc_ppp_ind filter(ppp_cat == "GDP",
== "2019",
time %in% c("FR", "DE", "IT")) %>%
geo select(na_item, geo, values) %>%
left_join(na_item, by = "na_item") %>%
spread(geo, values) %>%
na_item | Na_item | DE | FR | IT |
EXP_EUR | Nominal expenditure (in euro) | 3.474110e+06 | 2.437635e+06 | 1.796648e+06 |
EXP_EUR_HAB | Nominal expenditure per inhabitant (in euro) | 4.181000e+04 | 3.597700e+04 | 3.008000e+04 |
EXP_NAC | Nominal expenditure in national currency | 3.474110e+06 | 2.437635e+06 | 1.796648e+06 |
EXP_NAC_PC_GDP | Nominal expenditure as a percentage of GDP (GDP=100) | 1.000000e+02 | 1.000000e+02 | 1.000000e+02 |
EXP_PPS_EU15 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU15) | 3.431902e+06 | 2.448238e+06 | 1.967979e+06 |
EXP_PPS_EU15_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU15) | 4.130000e+04 | 3.610000e+04 | 3.290000e+04 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2007 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU27_2007) | 3.226565e+06 | 2.301755e+06 | 1.850231e+06 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2007_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2007) | 3.880000e+04 | 3.400000e+04 | 3.100000e+04 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2020 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU27_2020) | 3.147362e+06 | 2.245254e+06 | 1.804813e+06 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2020_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2020) | 3.790000e+04 | 3.310000e+04 | 3.020000e+04 |
EXP_PPS_EU28 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU28) | 3.220444e+06 | 2.297389e+06 | 1.846721e+06 |
EXP_PPS_EU28_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU28) | 3.880000e+04 | 3.390000e+04 | 3.090000e+04 |
PLI_EU15 | Price level indices (EU15=100) | 1.012000e+02 | 9.960000e+01 | 9.130000e+01 |
PLI_EU27_2007 | Price level indices (EU27_2007=100) | 1.077000e+02 | 1.059000e+02 | 9.710000e+01 |
PLI_EU27_2020 | Price level indices (EU27_2020=100) | 1.104000e+02 | 1.086000e+02 | 9.950000e+01 |
PLI_EU28 | Price level indices (EU28=100) | 1.079000e+02 | 1.061000e+02 | 9.730000e+01 |
PPP_EU15 | Purchasing power parities (EU15=1) | 1.012300e+00 | 9.956690e-01 | 9.129410e-01 |
PPP_EU27_2007 | Purchasing power parities (EU27_2007=1) | 1.076720e+00 | 1.059030e+00 | 9.710400e-01 |
PPP_EU27_2020 | Purchasing power parities (EU27_2020=1) | 1.103820e+00 | 1.085680e+00 | 9.954760e-01 |
PPP_EU28 | Purchasing power parities (EU28=1) | 1.078770e+00 | 1.061050e+00 | 9.728860e-01 |
VI_PPS_EU15_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU15=100) | 1.130000e+02 | 9.900000e+01 | 9.000000e+01 |
VI_PPS_EU27_2007_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2007=100) | 1.200000e+02 | 1.050000e+02 | 9.600000e+01 |
VI_PPS_EU27_2020_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2020=100) | 1.210000e+02 | 1.060000e+02 | 9.700000e+01 |
VI_PPS_EU28_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU28=100) | 1.200000e+02 | 1.050000e+02 | 9.600000e+01 |
Actual individual consumption - A01
prc_ppp_ind filter(ppp_cat == "E011",
== "2019",
time %in% c("FR", "DE", "IT")) %>%
geo select(na_item, geo, values) %>%
left_join(na_item, by = "na_item") %>%
spread(geo, values) %>%
na_item | Na_item | DE | FR | IT |
EXP_EUR | Nominal expenditure (in euro) | 1.752890e+06 | 1.256724e+06 | 1.064898e+06 |
EXP_EUR_HAB | Nominal expenditure per inhabitant (in euro) | 2.109600e+04 | 1.854800e+04 | 1.782900e+04 |
EXP_NAC | Nominal expenditure in national currency | 1.752890e+06 | 1.256724e+06 | 1.064898e+06 |
EXP_NAC_PC_GDP | Nominal expenditure as a percentage of GDP (GDP=100) | 5.050000e+01 | 5.160000e+01 | 5.930000e+01 |
EXP_PPS_EU15 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU15) | 1.802651e+06 | 1.219566e+06 | 1.153480e+06 |
EXP_PPS_EU15_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU15) | 2.170000e+04 | 1.800000e+04 | 1.930000e+04 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2007 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU27_2007) | 1.691938e+06 | 1.144664e+06 | 1.082637e+06 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2007_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2007) | 2.040000e+04 | 1.690000e+04 | 1.810000e+04 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2020 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU27_2020) | 1.637171e+06 | 1.107612e+06 | 1.047593e+06 |
EXP_PPS_EU27_2020_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2020) | 1.970000e+04 | 1.630000e+04 | 1.750000e+04 |
EXP_PPS_EU28 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU28) | 1.689270e+06 | 1.142859e+06 | 1.080930e+06 |
EXP_PPS_EU28_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU28) | 2.030000e+04 | 1.690000e+04 | 1.810000e+04 |
PLI_EU15 | Price level indices (EU15=100) | 9.720000e+01 | 1.030000e+02 | 9.230000e+01 |
PLI_EU27_2007 | Price level indices (EU27_2007=100) | 1.036000e+02 | 1.098000e+02 | 9.840000e+01 |
PLI_EU27_2020 | Price level indices (EU27_2020=100) | 1.071000e+02 | 1.135000e+02 | 1.017000e+02 |
PLI_EU28 | Price level indices (EU28=100) | 1.038000e+02 | 1.100000e+02 | 9.850000e+01 |
PPP_EU15 | Purchasing power parities (EU15=1) | 9.723960e-01 | 1.030470e+00 | 9.232050e-01 |
PPP_EU27_2007 | Purchasing power parities (EU27_2007=1) | 1.036020e+00 | 1.097900e+00 | 9.836150e-01 |
PPP_EU27_2020 | Purchasing power parities (EU27_2020=1) | 1.070680e+00 | 1.134620e+00 | 1.016520e+00 |
PPP_EU28 | Purchasing power parities (EU28=1) | 1.037660e+00 | 1.099630e+00 | 9.851680e-01 |
VI_PPS_EU15_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU15=100) | 1.120000e+02 | 9.300000e+01 | 9.900000e+01 |
VI_PPS_EU27_2007_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2007=100) | 1.180000e+02 | 9.800000e+01 | 1.050000e+02 |
VI_PPS_EU27_2020_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2020=100) | 1.220000e+02 | 1.010000e+02 | 1.080000e+02 |
VI_PPS_EU28_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU28=100) | 1.190000e+02 | 9.800000e+01 | 1.060000e+02 |
Actual Individual Consumption
Table - 2019 - Countries
prc_ppp_ind filter(ppp_cat == "A01",
== "VI_PPS_EU28_HAB",
na_item == "2019") %>%
time left_join(geo, by = "geo") %>%
select(-ppp_cat, -time, -na_item) %>%
mutate(Geo = ifelse(geo == "DE", "Germany", Geo)) %>%
mutate(Flag = gsub(" ", "-", str_to_lower(Geo)),
Flag = paste0('<img src="../../bib/flags/vsmall/', Flag, '.png" alt="Flag">')) %>%
select(Flag, everything()) %>%
if (is_html_output()) datatable(., filter = 'top', rownames = F, escape = F) else .} {
<- prc_ppp_ind %>%
europe_NUTS0_new filter(ppp_cat == "A01",
== "VI_PPS_EU28_HAB",
na_item == "2019") %>%
time select(geo, values) %>%
right_join(europe_NUTS0 %>%
filter(long >= -10,
>= 20), by = "geo") %>%
lat group_by(geo, values) %>%
summarise(long = mean(long), lat = mean(lat))
prc_ppp_ind filter(ppp_cat == "A01",
== "VI_PPS_EU28_HAB",
na_item == "2019") %>%
time select(geo, values) %>%
right_join(europe_NUTS0 %>%
filter(long >= -10,
>= 20), by = "geo") %>%
lat ggplot(aes(x = long, y = lat)) +
geom_polygon(aes(group = group, fill = values)) + coord_map() +
scale_fill_viridis_c(na.value = "white",
labels = dollar_format(a = 1, p = "", su = ""),
breaks = seq(20, 140, 20)) +
geom_text(aes(label = values), data = europe_NUTS0_new, size = 3, hjust = 0.5) +
theme_void() + theme(legend.position = c(0.25, 0.85)) +
labs(fill = "Actual Individual Consumption")
No Text
<- prc_ppp_ind %>%
europe_NUTS0_new filter(ppp_cat == "A01",
== "VI_PPS_EU28_HAB",
na_item == "2019") %>%
time select(geo, values) %>%
right_join(europe_NUTS0 %>%
filter(long >= -10,
>= 20), by = "geo") %>%
lat group_by(geo, values) %>%
summarise(long = mean(long), lat = mean(lat))
prc_ppp_ind filter(ppp_cat == "A01",
== "VI_PPS_EU28_HAB",
na_item == "2019") %>%
time select(geo, values) %>%
right_join(europe_NUTS0 %>%
filter(long >= -10,
>= 20), by = "geo") %>%
lat ggplot(aes(x = long, y = lat)) +
geom_polygon(aes(group = group, fill = values)) + coord_map() +
scale_fill_viridis_c(na.value = "white",
labels = dollar_format(a = 1, p = "", su = ""),
breaks = seq(20, 140, 20)) +
theme_void() + theme(legend.position = c(0.25, 0.85)) +
labs(fill = "Actual Individual Consumption")
France - 1995, 2005, 2015, 2019
prc_ppp_ind filter(ppp_cat == "A01",
== "FR",
geo %in% c("1995", "2005", "2015", "2019")) %>%
time left_join(na_item, by = "na_item") %>%
select(-ppp_cat, -geo) %>%
spread(time, values) %>%
freq | na_item | Na_item | 1995 | 2005 | 2015 | 2019 |
A | EXP_EUR | Nominal expenditure (in euro) | 8.44481e+05 | 1.221802e+06 | 1.530261e+06 | 1.671646e+06 |
A | EXP_EUR_HAB | Nominal expenditure per inhabitant (in euro) | 1.41860e+04 | 1.934200e+04 | 2.298300e+04 | 2.467200e+04 |
A | EXP_NAC | Nominal expenditure in national currency | 8.40038e+05 | 1.221802e+06 | 1.530261e+06 | 1.671646e+06 |
A | EXP_NAC_PC_GDP | Nominal expenditure as a percentage of GDP (GDP=100) | 6.90000e+01 | 6.920000e+01 | 6.960000e+01 | 6.860000e+01 |
A | EXP_PPS_EU15 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU15) | 7.83611e+05 | 1.230688e+06 | 1.584982e+06 | 1.698275e+06 |
A | EXP_PPS_EU15_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU15) | 1.32000e+04 | 1.950000e+04 | 2.380000e+04 | 2.510000e+04 |
A | EXP_PPS_EU27_2007 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU27_2007) | 7.33407e+05 | 1.161646e+06 | 1.475084e+06 | 1.583076e+06 |
A | EXP_PPS_EU27_2007_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2007) | 1.23000e+04 | 1.840000e+04 | 2.220000e+04 | 2.340000e+04 |
A | EXP_PPS_EU27_2020 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU27_2020) | 7.23469e+05 | 1.106640e+06 | 1.384009e+06 | 1.524679e+06 |
A | EXP_PPS_EU27_2020_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2020) | 1.22000e+04 | 1.750000e+04 | 2.080000e+04 | 2.250000e+04 |
A | EXP_PPS_EU28 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU28) | 7.31966e+05 | 1.159664e+06 | 1.472121e+06 | 1.580139e+06 |
A | EXP_PPS_EU28_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU28) | 1.23000e+04 | 1.840000e+04 | 2.210000e+04 | 2.330000e+04 |
A | PLI_EU15 | Price level indices (EU15=100) | 1.07800e+02 | 9.930000e+01 | 9.650000e+01 | 9.840000e+01 |
A | PLI_EU27_2007 | Price level indices (EU27_2007=100) | 1.15100e+02 | 1.052000e+02 | 1.037000e+02 | 1.056000e+02 |
A | PLI_EU27_2020 | Price level indices (EU27_2020=100) | 1.16700e+02 | 1.104000e+02 | 1.106000e+02 | 1.096000e+02 |
A | PLI_EU28 | Price level indices (EU28=100) | 1.15400e+02 | 1.054000e+02 | 1.039000e+02 | 1.058000e+02 |
A | PPP_EU15 | Purchasing power parities (EU15=1) | 1.07201e+00 | 9.927800e-01 | 9.654750e-01 | 9.843200e-01 |
A | PPP_EU27_2007 | Purchasing power parities (EU27_2007=1) | 1.14539e+00 | 1.051780e+00 | 1.037410e+00 | 1.055950e+00 |
A | PPP_EU27_2020 | Purchasing power parities (EU27_2020=1) | 1.16112e+00 | 1.104060e+00 | 1.105670e+00 | 1.096390e+00 |
A | PPP_EU28 | Purchasing power parities (EU28=1) | 1.14765e+00 | 1.053580e+00 | 1.039490e+00 | 1.057910e+00 |
A | VI_PPS_EU15_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU15=100) | 1.01000e+02 | 1.000000e+02 | 1.020000e+02 | 1.010000e+02 |
A | VI_PPS_EU27_2007_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2007=100) | 1.17000e+02 | 1.120000e+02 | 1.100000e+02 | 1.070000e+02 |
A | VI_PPS_EU27_2020_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2020=100) | 1.20000e+02 | 1.170000e+02 | 1.130000e+02 | 1.090000e+02 |
A | VI_PPS_EU28_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU28=100) | 1.18000e+02 | 1.130000e+02 | 1.100000e+02 | 1.070000e+02 |
Germany - 1995, 2005, 2015, 2019
prc_ppp_ind filter(ppp_cat == "A01",
== "DE",
geo %in% c("1995", "2005", "2015", "2019")) %>%
time left_join(na_item, by = "na_item") %>%
select(-ppp_cat, -geo) %>%
spread(time, values) %>%
freq | na_item | Na_item | 1995 | 2005 | 2015 | 2019 |
A | EXP_EUR | Nominal expenditure (in euro) | 1.331342e+06 | 1.557206e+06 | 1.986392e+06 | 2.255723e+06 |
A | EXP_EUR_HAB | Nominal expenditure per inhabitant (in euro) | 1.637400e+04 | 1.914500e+04 | 2.431700e+04 | 2.714700e+04 |
A | EXP_NAC | Nominal expenditure in national currency | 1.275470e+06 | 1.557206e+06 | 1.986392e+06 | 2.255723e+06 |
A | EXP_NAC_PC_GDP | Nominal expenditure as a percentage of GDP (GDP=100) | 6.730000e+01 | 6.810000e+01 | 6.560000e+01 | 6.490000e+01 |
A | EXP_PPS_EU15 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU15) | 1.214004e+06 | 1.626496e+06 | 2.129675e+06 | 2.333751e+06 |
A | EXP_PPS_EU15_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU15) | 1.490000e+04 | 2.000000e+04 | 2.610000e+04 | 2.810000e+04 |
A | EXP_PPS_EU27_2007 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU27_2007) | 1.136226e+06 | 1.535249e+06 | 1.982009e+06 | 2.175446e+06 |
A | EXP_PPS_EU27_2007_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2007) | 1.400000e+04 | 1.890000e+04 | 2.430000e+04 | 2.620000e+04 |
A | EXP_PPS_EU27_2020 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU27_2020) | 1.120830e+06 | 1.462552e+06 | 1.859635e+06 | 2.095197e+06 |
A | EXP_PPS_EU27_2020_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2020) | 1.380000e+04 | 1.800000e+04 | 2.280000e+04 | 2.520000e+04 |
A | EXP_PPS_EU28 | Real expenditure (in PPS_EU28) | 1.133993e+06 | 1.532629e+06 | 1.978028e+06 | 2.171410e+06 |
A | EXP_PPS_EU28_HAB | Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU28) | 1.390000e+04 | 1.880000e+04 | 2.420000e+04 | 2.610000e+04 |
A | PLI_EU15 | Price level indices (EU15=100) | 1.097000e+02 | 9.570000e+01 | 9.330000e+01 | 9.670000e+01 |
A | PLI_EU27_2007 | Price level indices (EU27_2007=100) | 1.172000e+02 | 1.014000e+02 | 1.002000e+02 | 1.037000e+02 |
A | PLI_EU27_2020 | Price level indices (EU27_2020=100) | 1.188000e+02 | 1.065000e+02 | 1.068000e+02 | 1.077000e+02 |
A | PLI_EU28 | Price level indices (EU28=100) | 1.174000e+02 | 1.016000e+02 | 1.004000e+02 | 1.039000e+02 |
A | PPP_EU15 | Purchasing power parities (EU15=1) | 1.050630e+00 | 9.573990e-01 | 9.327210e-01 | 9.665650e-01 |
A | PPP_EU27_2007 | Purchasing power parities (EU27_2007=1) | 1.122550e+00 | 1.014300e+00 | 1.002210e+00 | 1.036900e+00 |
A | PPP_EU27_2020 | Purchasing power parities (EU27_2020=1) | 1.137970e+00 | 1.064720e+00 | 1.068160e+00 | 1.076620e+00 |
A | PPP_EU28 | Purchasing power parities (EU28=1) | 1.124760e+00 | 1.016040e+00 | 1.004230e+00 | 1.038830e+00 |
A | VI_PPS_EU15_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU15=100) | 1.150000e+02 | 1.020000e+02 | 1.120000e+02 | 1.130000e+02 |
A | VI_PPS_EU27_2007_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2007=100) | 1.330000e+02 | 1.150000e+02 | 1.200000e+02 | 1.200000e+02 |
A | VI_PPS_EU27_2020_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU27_2020=100) | 1.360000e+02 | 1.200000e+02 | 1.230000e+02 | 1.220000e+02 |
A | VI_PPS_EU28_HAB | Volume indices of real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU28=100) | 1.330000e+02 | 1.160000e+02 | 1.210000e+02 | 1.200000e+02 |
Gross Domestic Product
Table - 2019 - Countries
prc_ppp_ind filter(ppp_cat == "GDP",
== "VI_PPS_EU28_HAB",
na_item == "2019") %>%
time left_join(geo, by = "geo") %>%
select(-ppp_cat, -time, -na_item) %>%
mutate(Geo = ifelse(geo == "DE", "Germany", Geo)) %>%
mutate(Flag = gsub(" ", "-", str_to_lower(Geo)),
Flag = paste0('<img src="../../bib/flags/vsmall/', Flag, '.png" alt="Flag">')) %>%
select(Flag, everything()) %>%
if (is_html_output()) datatable(., filter = 'top', rownames = F, escape = F) else .} {
<- prc_ppp_ind %>%
europe_NUTS0_new filter(ppp_cat == "GDP",
== "VI_PPS_EU28_HAB",
na_item == "2019") %>%
time select(geo, values) %>%
right_join(europe_NUTS0 %>%
filter(long >= -10,
>= 20), by = "geo") %>%
lat group_by(geo, values) %>%
summarise(long = mean(long), lat = mean(lat))
prc_ppp_ind filter(ppp_cat == "GDP",
== "VI_PPS_EU28_HAB",
na_item == "2019") %>%
time select(geo, values) %>%
right_join(europe_NUTS0 %>%
filter(long >= -10,
>= 20), by = "geo") %>%
lat ggplot(aes(x = long, y = lat)) +
geom_polygon(aes(group = group, fill = values)) + coord_map() +
scale_fill_viridis_c(na.value = "white",
labels = dollar_format(a = 1, p = "", su = ""),
breaks = seq(20, 260, 20)) +
geom_text(aes(label = values), data = europe_NUTS0_new, size = 3, hjust = 0.5) +
theme_void() + theme(legend.position = c(0.25, 0.85)) +
labs(fill = "Gross Domestic Product")