Data on saving



theme Title .html
epargne Statistiques de l'épargne en France 2025-02-12
saving Data on saving 2025-02-12


source dataset .html .RData
fred saving 2025-02-12 2025-02-12

Public Deficit

ig_d("fred", "saving", "surplus-gdp-1947-2020")

Gross/net saving

ig_d("bea", "T50100", "depreciation-net-saving")

Gross/net saving

ig_d("bea", "T50100", "depreciation-net-saving")

Net saving rate (% of GDP)

  • Disposable income. [html] Disposable income is closest to the concept of income as generally understood in economics. Household disposable income is income available to households such as wages and salaries, income from self-employment and unincorporated enterprises, income from pensions and other social benefits, and income from financial investments (less any payments of tax, social insurance contributions and interest on financial liabilities). ‘Gross’ means that depreciation costs are not subtracted. For gross household disposable income per capita, growth rates (percentage change from previous period) are presented; these are ‘real’ growth rates adjusted to remove the effects of price changes. Information is also presented for gross household disposable income including social transfers in kind, such as health or education provided for free or at reduced prices by governments and not-for-profit organisations. This indicator is in US dollars per capita at current prices and PPPs. In the System of National Accounts, household disposable income including social transfers in kind is referred to as ‘adjusted household disposable income’. All OECD countries compile their data according to the 2008 System of National Accounts (SNA 2008).

France, Germany, United States, Japan

ig_d("oecd", "NAAG", "B8NS-FRA-USA")

Germany, France, Spain, Italy

ig_d("oecd", "NAAG", "B8NS-ITA-ESP-FRA-DEU")

Saving rate (%)

United States

Personal saving rate

ig_d("fred", "saving", "PSAVERT")

Net lending or borrowing

ig_d("fred", "saving", "net-lending")

France, Germany, Italy, Europe

Key indicators

ig_d("eurostat", "nasq_10_ki", "SRGS14S15-FR-DE-IT-ES-EA20-2000")

% of GDP

ig_d("eurostat", "nasq_10_nf_tr", "B8G-FR-DE-IT-ES-2000")

% of Disposable income

ig_d("eurostat", "nasq_10_nf_tr", "B8G-B6G-FR-DE-IT-ES-2000")

Bank of France

Saving Rate

ig_d("bdf", "CFT", "B8G")

Financial Saving Rate

ig_d("bdf", "CFT", "B9Z")

Net saving rate, % of NDI


ig_d("oecd", "NAAG", "B8NS14S15SB6NS14-ITA-ESP-FRA-DEU")

Investment rate (%)

France, Germany, Italy, Europe

ig_d("eurostat", "nasq_10_ki", "IRGS11-FR-DE-IT-ES-EA20-2000")

To know more…

Data on saving

Title source dataset .html .RData
Comptes Financiers Trimestriels bdf CFT 2025-02-12 2025-01-31
Table 5.1. Saving and Investment by Sector (A) (Q) bea T50100 2024-02-11 2024-03-13
Saving - saving fred saving 2025-02-12 2025-02-12
National Accounts at a Glance - NAAG oecd NAAG 2024-04-16 2024-03-13
Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) - NY.GDS.TOTL.ZS wdi NY.GDS.TOTL.ZS 2022-09-27 2024-09-18
Gross savings (% of GDP) - NY.GNS.ICTR.ZS wdi NY.GNS.ICTR.ZS 2022-09-27 2024-09-18

Données sur l’épargne

Title source dataset .html .RData
Comptes Financiers Trimestriels bdf CFT 2025-02-12 2025-01-31
Budget de famille 2017 insee bdf2017 2025-01-31 2023-11-21
Plus d’épargne chez les plus aisés, plus de dépenses contraintes chez les plus modestes - ip1815 insee ip1815 2025-02-12 2023-10-05
7.401 – Compte des ménages (S14) (En milliards d'euros) insee T_7401 2025-02-03 2024-10-18
Revenu, pouvoir d'achat et comptes des ménages - Valeurs aux prix courants insee t_men_val 2025-01-31 2025-01-13
Pouvoir d'achat et ratios des comptes des ménages insee t_pouvachat_val 2025-01-31 2025-01-13
Récapitulatif des séries des comptes d'agents insee t_recapAgent_val 2025-02-03 2025-01-13

