Statistical discrepancy (Institutional Investors – Financial Balance Sheets) - QASA_7II_DISCR

Data - OECD

Nobs - Javascript

Data Structure

id description
OBS_VALUE Observation Value
OBS_STATUS Observation Status
POWERCODE Unit multiplier
REFERENCEPERIOD Reference period


id label
FBF90_7II BF90 - Institutional Investors (7II)
FBF90_DISCR BF90 - Financial net worth
INSTINV_DISCR Statistical discrepancy (Institutional Investors – Financial Balance Sheets)
FBF90_FBS BF90 - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FBF90_DIFFERENCE BF90 - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FAF_7II FA - Institutional Investors (7II)
FAF_DISCR FA - Financial assets
FAF_FBS FA - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FAF_DIFFERENCE FA - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FAF2_7II FA2 - Institutional Investors (7II)
FAF2_DISCR FA2 - Currency and deposits
FAF2_FBS FA2 - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FAF2_DIFFERENCE FA2 - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FAF3_7II FA3 - Institutional Investors (7II)
FAF3_DISCR FA3 - Debt securities
FAF3_FBS FA3 - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FAF3_DIFFERENCE FA3 - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FAF3S_7II FA3S - Institutional Investors (7II)
FAF3S_DISCR FA3S - Debt securities, short-term
FAF3S_FBS FA3S - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FAF3S_DIFFERENCE FA3S - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FAF3L_7II FA3L - Institutional Investors (7II)
FAF3L_DISCR FA3L - Debt securities, long-term
FAF3L_FBS FA3L - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FAF3L_DIFFERENCE FA3L - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FAF4_7II FA4 - Institutional Investors (7II)
FAF4_DISCR FA4 - Loans
FAF4_FBS FA4 - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FAF4_DIFFERENCE FA4 - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FAF4S_7II FA4S - Institutional Investors (7II)
FAF4S_DISCR FA4S - Loans, short-term
FAF4S_FBS FA4S - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FAF4S_DIFFERENCE FA4S - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FAF4L_7II FA4L - Institutional Investors (7II)
FAF4L_DISCR FA4L - Loans, long-term
FAF4L_FBS FA4L - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FAF4L_DIFFERENCE FA4L - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FAF5_7II FA5 - Institutional Investors (7II)
FAF5_DISCR FA5 - Equity and investment fund shares/units
FAF5_FBS FA5 - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FAF5_DIFFERENCE FA5 - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FAF51_7II FA51 - Institutional Investors (7II)
FAF51_DISCR FA51 - Equity
FAF51_FBS FA51 - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FAF51_DIFFERENCE FA51 - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FAF52_7II FA52 - Institutional Investors (7II)
FAF52_DISCR FA52 - Investment fund shares/units
FAF52_FBS FA52 - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FAF52_DIFFERENCE FA52 - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FAF521_7II FA521 - Institutional Investors (7II)
FAF521_DISCR FA521 - Money market fund shares /units
FAF521_FBS FA521 - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FAF521_DIFFERENCE FA521 - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FAF522_7II FA522 - Institutional Investors (7II)
FAF522_DISCR FA522 - Non-Money market fund shares /units
FAF522_FBS FA522 - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FAF522_DIFFERENCE FA522 - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FAF6_7II FA6 - Institutional Investors (7II)
FAF6_DISCR FA6 - Insurance pension and standardised guarantees
FAF6_FBS FA6 - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FAF6_DIFFERENCE FA6 - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FAF7_7II FA7 - Institutional Investors (7II)
FAF7_DISCR FA7 - Financial derivatives and employee stock options
FAF7_FBS FA7 - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FAF7_DIFFERENCE FA7 - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FAF8_7II FA8 - Institutional Investors (7II)
FAF8_DISCR FA8 - Other accounts receivable
FAF8_FBS FA8 - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FAF8_DIFFERENCE FA8 - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FLF_7II FL - Institutional Investors (7II)
FLF_DISCR FL - Financial liabilities
FLF_FBS FL - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FLF_DIFFERENCE FL - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FLF2_7II FL2 - Institutional Investors (7II)
FLF2_DISCR FL2 - Currency and deposits
FLF2_FBS FL2 - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FLF2_DIFFERENCE FL2 - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FLF3_7II FL3 - Institutional Investors (7II)
FLF3_DISCR FL3 - Debt securities
FLF3_FBS FL3 - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FLF3_DIFFERENCE FL3 - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FLF3S_7II FL3S - Institutional Investors (7II)
FLF3S_DISCR FL3S - Debt securities, short-term
FLF3S_FBS FL3S - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FLF3S_DIFFERENCE FL3S - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FLF3L_7II FL3L - Institutional Investors (7II)
FLF3L_DISCR FL3L - Debt securities, long-term
FLF3L_FBS FL3L - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FLF3L_DIFFERENCE FL3L - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FLF4_7II FL4 - Institutional Investors (7II)
FLF4_DISCR FL4 - Loans
FLF4_FBS FL4 - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FLF4_DIFFERENCE FL4 - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FLF4S_7II FL4S - Institutional Investors (7II)
FLF4S_DISCR FL4S - Loans, short-term
FLF4S_FBS FL4S - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FLF4S_DIFFERENCE FL4S - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FLF4L_7II FL4L - Institutional Investors (7II)
FLF4L_DISCR FL4L - Loans, long-term
FLF4L_FBS FL4L - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FLF4L_DIFFERENCE FL4L - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FLF5_7II FL5 - Institutional Investors (7II)
FLF5_DISCR FL5 - Equity and investment fund shares/units
FLF5_FBS FL5 - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FLF5_DIFFERENCE FL5 - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FLF6_7II FL6 - Institutional Investors (7II)
FLF6_DISCR FL6 - Insurance pension and standardised guarantees
FLF6_FBS FL6 - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FLF6_DIFFERENCE FL6 - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FLF7_7II FL7 - Institutional Investors (7II)
FLF7_DISCR FL7 - Financial derivatives and employee stock options
FLF7_FBS FL7 - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FLF7_DIFFERENCE FL7 - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)
FLF8_7II FL8 - Institutional Investors (7II)
FLF8_DISCR FL8 - Other accounts payable
FLF8_FBS FL8 - Financial Balance Sheets (720)
FLF8_DIFFERENCE FL8 - Statistical discrepancy (7II-720)


id label
IS123_DISCR Money market funds
IS124_DISCR Non-money market funds
IS128_DISCR Insurance Corporations
IS129_DISCR Pension funds
IS12L_DISCR Investment funds
IS12Q_DISCR Insurance corporations and pension funds


id label
CAR Current prices
PCT Percentage


id label
P1Y Annual
P1M Monthly
P3M Quarterly
P6M Half-yearly
P1D Daily