International Labour Organization - ILO


Main Datasets


ilo_datasets %>%
  filter(id %in% (list.files(pattern = "\\.qmd$") %>% gsub(".qmd$", "", .))) %>%
  mutate(html = paste0('<a  target=_blank href=', id, '.html > html </a>')) %>%
  select(id, indicator.label, Nobs, data.start, html) %>%
  arrange(-Nobs) %>%
  {if (is_html_output()) datatable(., filter = 'top', rownames = F, escape = F) else .}


ilo_datasets %>%
  filter(id %in% (list.files(pattern = "\\.qmd$") %>% gsub(".qmd$", "", .))) %>%
  arrange(id) %>%
  mutate(html = paste0("[html](", id, '.html)')) %>%
  select(id, indicator.label, freq, Nobs, data.start, html) %>%
  {if (is_html_output()) print_table(.) else .}
id indicator.label freq Nobs data.start html
CPI_ACPI_COI_RT_A National consumer price index (CPI), annual rate of change - discontinued A 32743 1970 [html]
CPI_ACPI_COI_RT_M National consumer price index (CPI), annual rate of change - discontinued M 127408 1977M01 [html]
CPI_ACPI_COI_RT_Q National consumer price index (CPI), annual rate of change - discontinued Q 6374 1977Q1 [html]
CPI_MCPI_COI_RT_M National consumer price index (CPI), monthly rate of change - discontinued M 136620 1976M02 [html]
CPI_MCPI_COI_RT_Q National consumer price index (CPI), monthly rate of change - discontinued Q 6651 1976Q2 [html]
CPI_NCPD_COI_RT_M National consumer price index (CPI) by COICOP, percentage change from previous period (%) M 86318 1950M02 [html]
CPI_NCYR_COI_RT_A National consumer price index (CPI) by COICOP, percentage change from previous year (%) A 30319 1951 [html]
CPI_NCYR_COI_RT_M National consumer price index (CPI) by COICOP, percentage change from previous year (%) M 81678 1951M01 [html]
CPI_NWGT_COI_DT_A National consumer price index (CPI) by COICOP, country weights A 28059 1980 [html]
EAR_4MTH_SEX_ECO_CUR_NB_A Mean nominal monthly earnings of employees by sex and economic activity -- Harmonized series A 248753 1969 [html]
EAR_4MTH_SEX_OCU_CUR_NB_A Mean nominal monthly earnings of employees by sex and occupation -- Harmonized series A 67686 1992 [html]
EAR_XEES_SEX_ECO_NB_Q Mean nominal monthly earnings of employees by sex and economic activity (local currency) Q 83979 1989Q1 [html]
EMP_2IND_NOC_RT_A Industry as % of total employment -- ILO modelled estimates, Nov. 2019 A 7950 1991 [html]
UNE_DEAP_SEX_AGE_RT_A Unemployment rate by sex and age (%) A 219047 1947 [html]
UNE_DEAP_SEX_AGE_RT_Q Unemployment rate by sex and age (%) Q 441114 1948Q1 [html]
UNE_TUNE_SEX_AGE_DUR_DT_A Unemployment distribution by duration (by sex and age) (%) A 704947 1948 [html]
UNE_TUNE_SEX_AGE_DUR_NB_A Unemployment by sex, age and duration (thousands) A 736793 1948 [html]
UNE_TUNE_SEX_AGE_NB_A Unemployment by sex and age (thousands) A 257038 1947 [html]

Other Datasets

ilo_datasets %>%
  filter(!(id %in% (list.files(pattern = "\\.qmd$") %>% gsub(".qmd$", "", .)))) %>%
  select(id, indicator.label, freq, Nobs, data.start) %>%
  arrange(-Nobs) %>%
  {if (is_html_output()) datatable(., filter = 'top', rownames = F) else .}