prc_hicp_cann left_join(unit, by = "unit") %>%
group_by(unit, Unit) %>%
summarise(Nobs = n()) %>%
arrange(-Nobs) %>%
if (is_html_output()) print_table(.) else .} {
unit | Unit | Nobs |
RCH_A | Annual rate of change | 2027997 |
Data - Eurostat
prc_hicp_cann left_join(unit, by = "unit") %>%
group_by(unit, Unit) %>%
summarise(Nobs = n()) %>%
arrange(-Nobs) %>%
if (is_html_output()) print_table(.) else .} {
unit | Unit | Nobs |
RCH_A | Annual rate of change | 2027997 |
prc_hicp_cann left_join(coicop, by = "coicop") %>%
group_by(coicop, Coicop) %>%
summarise(Nobs = n()) %>%
arrange(-Nobs) %>%
if (is_html_output()) datatable(., filter = 'top', rownames = F) else .} {
prc_hicp_cann left_join(geo, by = "geo") %>%
group_by(geo, Geo) %>%
summarise(Nobs = n()) %>%
arrange(-Nobs) %>%
if (is_html_output()) datatable(., filter = 'top', rownames = F) else .} {