Median saving rate by the self-declared level of difficulty to make ends meet - experimental statistics - icw_sr_12

Data - Eurostat


icw_sr_12 %>%
  left_join(lev_diff, by = "lev_diff") %>%
  group_by(lev_diff, Lev_diff) %>%
  summarise(Nobs = n()) %>%
  arrange(-Nobs) %>%
  {if (is_html_output()) print_table(.) else .}
lev_diff Lev_diff Nobs
EASY Easy 84
FEASY Fairly easy 84
GRT Great 84
MOD Moderate 84
SOME Some 84
VEASY Very easy 84


icw_sr_12 %>%
  left_join(unit, by = "unit") %>%
  group_by(unit, Unit) %>%
  summarise(Nobs = n()) %>%
  arrange(-Nobs) %>%
  {if (is_html_output()) print_table(.) else .}
unit Unit Nobs
PC_DI Percentage of disposable income 504


icw_sr_12 %>%
  left_join(geo, by = "geo") %>%
  group_by(geo, Geo) %>%
  summarise(Nobs = n()) %>%
  arrange(-Nobs) %>%
  {if (is_html_output()) datatable(., filter = 'top', rownames = F) else .}


icw_sr_12 %>%
  group_by(time) %>%
  summarise(Nobs = n()) %>%
  arrange(-Nobs) %>%
  {if (is_html_output()) print_table(.) else .}
time Nobs
2015 186
2010 162
2020 156


icw_sr_12 %>%
  filter(time == "2010") %>%
  select(lev_diff, geo, values) %>%
  left_join(geo, by = "geo") %>%
  spread(lev_diff, values) %>%
  select(geo, Geo, everything()) %>%
  {if (is_html_output()) print_table(.) else .}
AT Austria 25.3 21.7 -7.5 4.5 10.9 30.6
BE Belgium 18.2 11.8 -10.4 -4.9 3.9 27.5
BG Bulgaria 54.1 51.4 26.1 36.4 44.1 NA
CY Cyprus 31.9 19.9 -1.6 7.3 14.9 51.4
CZ Czechia 31.3 28.6 14.8 18.9 23.3 41.6
DE Germany 18.5 14.3 -5.2 1.1 6.1 26.4
DK Denmark 8.1 4.4 -17.6 -14.8 -3.2 10.5
EE Estonia 42.7 39.8 20.8 31.0 34.6 53.8
EL Greece 9.1 0.4 -26.1 -11.7 -6.0 13.8
ES Spain 29.6 22.8 -7.7 5.9 13.9 35.0
FI Finland 25.6 21.4 -2.1 4.5 14.6 31.8
FR France 39.6 33.5 15.5 20.1 26.8 49.8
HR Croatia 22.1 15.5 -15.0 -1.9 11.5 29.3
HU Hungary 25.2 25.4 11.0 14.4 19.5 46.5
IE Ireland 32.1 23.0 9.0 9.5 18.0 36.4
IT Italy 57.7 44.4 -6.3 12.8 28.4 55.6
LT Lithuania 41.8 38.0 5.8 13.2 25.7 NA
LU Luxembourg 34.2 27.7 3.8 14.8 17.8 37.0
LV Latvia 21.6 22.6 -3.4 8.9 17.6 NA
MT Malta 26.5 21.1 1.7 10.1 15.4 23.8
PL Poland 35.2 30.8 12.5 19.6 25.5 41.2
PT Portugal 26.7 20.7 0.6 11.0 13.0 28.7
RO Romania 16.4 9.1 -17.4 -8.6 -1.4 NA
SE Sweden 18.9 19.2 1.0 2.8 6.4 25.9
SI Slovenia 26.3 23.3 1.2 12.1 19.6 25.9
SK Slovakia 32.8 30.7 12.9 19.3 25.8 32.9
UK United Kingdom 31.1 26.2 7.5 8.4 18.4 34.7


icw_sr_12 %>%
  filter(time == "2015") %>%
  select(lev_diff, geo, values) %>%
  left_join(geo, by = "geo") %>%
  spread(lev_diff, values) %>%
  select(geo, Geo, everything()) %>%
  {if (is_html_output()) print_table(.) else .}
AT Austria 26.1 23.1 7.5 8.3 17.2 30.1
BE Belgium 26.0 21.5 2.1 11.8 13.0 33.6
BG Bulgaria 33.3 28.5 4.9 15.7 25.1 34.0
CY Cyprus 19.2 18.5 4.8 7.1 14.8 26.0
CZ Czechia 32.8 29.8 11.6 19.2 25.4 41.6
DE Germany 22.1 14.0 -8.6 -3.2 3.2 30.8
DK Denmark 30.2 28.1 1.6 8.8 14.5 36.8
EA Euro area (EA11-1999, EA12-2001, EA13-2007, EA15-2008, EA16-2009, EA17-2011, EA18-2014, EA19-2015, EA20-2023) 26.3 23.1 0.7 11.2 21.0 33.0
EA20 Euro area – 20 countries (from 2023) 26.3 23.0 0.0 10.9 20.8 33.0
EE Estonia 45.6 39.5 18.6 25.9 31.3 47.8
EL Greece 15.3 10.8 -14.6 -4.2 1.2 34.1
ES Spain 31.5 26.8 -0.9 10.9 19.0 40.4
EU European Union (EU6-1958, EU9-1973, EU10-1981, EU12-1986, EU15-1995, EU25-2004, EU27-2007, EU28-2013, EU27-2020) 26.7 23.4 0.3 10.5 19.3 32.1
EU27_2020 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020) 27.1 24.3 2.0 12.1 21.2 33.4
FI Finland 23.2 19.2 0.9 3.5 13.1 29.2
FR France 40.5 37.4 27.8 26.9 32.6 50.6
HR Croatia 24.6 20.4 -17.7 0.9 12.0 36.5
HU Hungary 24.2 19.3 9.2 11.1 15.1 44.2
IE Ireland 32.1 28.8 17.9 20.3 24.5 37.5
LT Lithuania 48.1 42.5 8.0 22.5 32.8 66.3
LU Luxembourg 33.0 27.3 0.9 15.0 19.8 37.3
LV Latvia 33.6 32.8 11.2 20.0 28.0 34.0
MT Malta 31.1 21.1 1.5 9.6 11.2 37.0
NL Netherlands 21.0 16.7 -9.0 -0.5 7.1 29.7
PL Poland 39.2 35.4 11.5 22.6 28.9 40.7
PT Portugal 31.2 26.7 6.2 13.8 19.7 36.1
RO Romania 26.6 21.8 -1.7 6.4 14.5 24.4
SE Sweden 26.3 24.3 7.4 15.1 13.9 32.1
SI Slovenia 34.0 30.4 -4.2 13.1 23.0 42.1
SK Slovakia 24.0 23.6 6.7 14.3 17.6 31.2
UK United Kingdom 24.5 18.9 -13.0 -4.4 6.8 28.3

Germany, France, Sweden

icw_sr_12 %>%
  filter(time == "2015",
         geo %in% c("SE", "FR", "DE")) %>%
  left_join(geo, by = "geo") %>%
  ggplot + geom_line(aes(x = lev_diff, y = values/100, color = Geo, group = Geo, linetype = Geo)) +
  scale_color_manual(values = viridis(4)[1:3]) + theme_minimal() +
  theme(legend.position = c(0.5, 0.9),
        legend.title = element_blank()) +
  xlab("Self-declared level of difficulty to make ends meet") + ylab("Median saving rate") +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = 0.01*seq(-30, 50, 5),
                     labels = percent_format(accuracy = 1))