TABLE_I7 %>%
left_join(TABLE_I7_var$TAX %>%
setNames(c("TAX", "Tax")), by = "TAX") %>%
group_by(TAX, Tax) %>%
summarise(Nobs = n()) %>%
arrange(-Nobs) %>%
{if (is_html_output()) print_table(.) else .}
TAX | Tax | Nobs |
AVG_NAT | Average wage in national currency units | 874 |
AVG_PPP | Average wage in US dollars based on Purchasing Power Parities | 874 |
PERS_ITAX | Personal income tax | 874 |
PER_ARATE | Personal income tax & employee social security contributions (All-in rate) | 874 |
THRESHOLD | Threshold (expressed as a multiple of the average wage) | 874 |
TOP_TRATE | Top tax rates | 874 |
TABLE_I7 %>%
filter(COU == "DEU",
TAX %in% c("PERS_ITAX", "PER_ARATE", "TOP_TRATE")) %>%
year_to_date %>%
left_join(TABLE_I7_var$TAX %>%
setNames(c("TAX", "Tax")), by = "TAX") %>%
ggplot() + geom_line(aes(x = date, y = obsValue/100, color = Tax)) +
scale_color_manual(values = viridis(4)[1:3]) +
theme_minimal() +
scale_x_date(breaks = seq(1920, 2025, 2) %>% paste0("-01-01") %>% as.Date,
labels = date_format("%y")) +
theme(legend.position = c(0.65, 0.9),
legend.title = element_blank()) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = 0.01*seq(0, 70, 5),
labels = percent_format(accuracy = 1),
limits = c(0, 0.7)) +
ylab("Tax Rate (%)") + xlab("")
TABLE_I7 %>%
filter(COU == "FRA",
TAX %in% c("PERS_ITAX", "PER_ARATE", "TOP_TRATE")) %>%
year_to_date %>%
left_join(TABLE_I7_var$TAX %>%
setNames(c("TAX", "Tax")), by = "TAX") %>%
ggplot() + geom_line(aes(x = date, y = obsValue/100, color = Tax)) +
scale_color_manual(values = viridis(4)[1:3]) +
theme_minimal() +
scale_x_date(breaks = seq(1920, 2025, 2) %>% paste0("-01-01") %>% as.Date,
labels = date_format("%y")) +
theme(legend.position = c(0.65, 0.9),
legend.title = element_blank()) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = 0.01*seq(0, 70, 5),
labels = percent_format(accuracy = 1),
limits = c(0, 0.7)) +
ylab("Tax Rate (%)") + xlab("")