

SUBJECT Subject nobs
I3_GVA Gross value added (GVA) 4978
I3_TOTK Total capital input 4581
I3_HRSTO Hours worked 4535
I3_GVAHRS GVA per hour worked 4256
I3_LCOST Share of labour input costs in total costs 3753
I3_MFP Multi-factor productivity 3324


ACTIVITY Activity nobs
C01T05 Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing 2006
C45 Construction 2006
C15T37 Manufacturing 1991
C10T41 Industry including energy 1959
C40T41 Electricity, gas and water supply 1945
C50T55 Wholesale and retail trade, restaurants and hotels 1937
C50T52 Wholesale and retail trade, repairs 1845
C55 Hotel and restaurants 1845
C10T14 Mining and quarrying 1697
C65T74X Finance, insurance and business services 1695
CTOTALX Total, excluding real estate 1669
C34T35 Transport equipment 1647
C50T74X Business sector services excluding real estate 1632
C29T33 Machinery and equipment 1553


Unit Labour Costs
