
The list of packages tidyverse, data.table and RPostgres is run through:

Opening the connection

You then need to input your username and password from WRDS in wrds_username and wrds_password, and can open an SQL connection using PostGreSQL:

Querying Data

SQL chunk, output database

In R-markdown, you must include output.var = "comp_funda" if you want to output the SQL query to a data frame, here called comp_funda:

You may then use comp_funda in a regular R chunk:

##    gvkey     cusip      fyear    at    lt  cogs  xint  xsga
## 1 001000 000032102 1961-12-31    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
## 2 001000 000032102 1962-12-31    NA    NA    NA 0.010    NA
## 3 001000 000032102 1963-12-31    NA 0.345 1.065 0.020 0.346
## 4 001000 000032102 1964-12-31 1.416 0.809 1.474 0.033 0.431
## 5 001000 000032102 1965-12-31 2.310 1.818 1.342 0.062 0.506
## 6 001000 000032102 1966-12-31 2.430 1.596 2.828 0.095 0.679

SQL chunk, no exporting

If you do not and only run the following chunk:

you then get:

Table 1: Displaying records 1 - 10
gvkey cusip fyear at lt cogs xint xsga
001000 000032102 1961-12-31 NA NA NA NA NA
001000 000032102 1962-12-31 NA NA NA 0.010 NA
001000 000032102 1963-12-31 NA 0.345 1.065 0.020 0.346
001000 000032102 1964-12-31 1.416 0.809 1.474 0.033 0.431
001000 000032102 1965-12-31 2.310 1.818 1.342 0.062 0.506
001000 000032102 1966-12-31 2.430 1.596 2.828 0.095 0.679
001000 000032102 1967-12-31 2.456 1.712 2.701 0.097 0.692
001000 000032102 1968-12-31 5.922 3.351 5.055 0.073 1.322
001000 000032102 1969-12-31 28.712 18.501 25.186 0.523 7.242
001000 000032102 1970-12-31 33.450 22.906 30.529 0.850 9.420

R chunk

A Final option is to path the wrds connection to a dbSendQuery function in a r chunk:

##    gvkey     cusip      fyear    at    lt  cogs  xint  xsga
## 1 001000 000032102 1961-12-31    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
## 2 001000 000032102 1962-12-31    NA    NA    NA 0.010    NA
## 3 001000 000032102 1963-12-31    NA 0.345 1.065 0.020 0.346
## 4 001000 000032102 1964-12-31 1.416 0.809 1.474 0.033 0.431
## 5 001000 000032102 1965-12-31 2.310 1.818 1.342 0.062 0.506
## 6 001000 000032102 1966-12-31 2.430 1.596 2.828 0.095 0.679