
List of Geographies

Information is available here: https://walkerke.github.io/tidycensus/articles/basic-usage.html.

In particular:

Table 1: List of geographies in tidycensus.
Geography Definition Available by Available in
“us” United States get_acs(), get_decennial()
“region” Census region get_acs(), get_decennial()
“division” Census division get_acs(), get_decennial()
“state” State or equivalent state get_acs(), get_decennial()
“county” County or equivalent state, county get_acs(), get_decennial()
“county subdivision” County subdivision state, county get_acs(), get_decennial()
“tract” Census tract state, county get_acs(), get_decennial()
“block group” Census block group state, county get_acs(), get_decennial()
“block” Census block state, county get_decennial()
“place” Census-designated place state get_acs(), get_decennial()
“alaska native regional corporation” Alaska native regional corporation state get_acs(), get_decennial()
“american indian area/alaska native area/hawaiian home land” Federal and state-recognized American Indian reservations and Hawaiian home lands state get_acs(), get_decennial()
“american indian area/alaska native area (reservation or statistical entity only)” Only reservations and statistical entities state get_acs(), get_decennial()
“american indian area (off-reservation trust land only)/hawaiian home land” Only off-reservation trust lands and Hawaiian home lands state get_acs()
“metropolitan statistical area/micropolitan statistical area” Core-based statistical area state get_acs(), get_decennial()
“combined statistical area” Combined statistical area state get_acs(), get_decennial()
“new england city and town area” New England city/town area state get_acs(), get_decennial()
“combined new england city and town area” Combined New England area state get_acs(), get_decennial()
“urban area” Census-defined urbanized areas get_acs(), get_decennial()
“congressional district” Congressional district for the year-appropriate Congress state get_acs(), get_decennial()
“school district (elementary)” Elementary school district state get_acs(), get_decennial()
“school district (secondary)” Secondary school district state get_acs(), get_decennial()
“school district (unified)” Unified school district state get_acs(), get_decennial()
“public use microdata area” PUMA (geography associated with Census microdata samples) state get_acs()
“zip code tabulation area” OR “zcta” Zip code tabulation area get_acs(), get_decennial()
“state legislative district (upper chamber)” State senate districts state get_acs(), get_decennial()
“state legislative district (lower chamber)” State house districts state get_acs(), get_decennial()