Data Frame Methods
## [1] [ [[ [[<- [<- $<-
## [6] aggregate anti_join anyDuplicated arrange_ arrange
## [11] as_factor as_tibble as.data.frame as.list as.matrix
## [16] as.tbl_cube as.tbl by cbind coerce
## [21] collapse collect complete_ complete compute
## [26] dim dimnames dimnames<- distinct_ distinct
## [31] do_ do drop_na_ drop_na droplevels
## [36] duplicated edit expand_ expand extract_
## [41] extract fill_ fill filter_ filter
## [46] format formula fortify full_join gather_
## [51] gather ggplot_add glimpse group_by_ group_by
## [56] group_data group_indices_ group_indices group_keys group_modify
## [61] group_nest group_size group_split group_trim head
## [66] hybrid_call initialize inner_join intersect is_vector_s3
## [71] is.na left_join Math merge mutate_
## [76] mutate n_groups na.exclude na.omit nest_join
## [81] nest_legacy nest Ops plot print
## [86] prompt pull rbind rename_ rename
## [91] replace_na right_join row.names row.names<- rowsum
## [96] same_src sample_frac sample_n select_ select
## [101] semi_join separate_ separate_rows_ separate_rows separate
## [106] setdiff setequal show slice_ slice
## [111] slotsFromS3 split split<- spread_ spread
## [116] stack str subset summarise_ summarise
## [121] summary Summary t tail tbl_vars
## [126] transform type.convert ungroup union_all union
## [131] unique unite_ unite unnest_legacy unnest
## [136] unstack within
## see '?methods' for accessing help and source code
Tibble Methods
## [1] [[<- [<- $<- as.tbl coerce format
## [7] fortify glimpse initialize Ops print show
## [13] slotsFromS3 tbl_sum
## see '?methods' for accessing help and source code