
Example codes



id Title html
advanced Advanced html
calendar-heatmap Calendar Heatmap html
colors Colors html
county_map County Map html
dplyr Data Wrangling - dplyr html
DT DT - Data Table html
dygraphs DT - Data Table html
functions R functions html
gather-spread Gather / Spread Example html
get-started Get Started html
gif Gif html
grep Globally search a Regular Expression and Print - grep html
histogram Histogram of Datapoints html
index List of R Codes html
intro R Statistical Software - An Introduction html
map Loop through files html
maps_europe Europe Maps html
maps_fr France Maps html
maps_us U.S. Maps html
maps_world World Maps html
nber-recessions NBER Recessions html
pairs Pairs html
quandl-bitcoin Quandl Bitcoin html
R-python Python Code in the Middle of a R-statistics session html
regressions Regressions Results - Tidy, Augment and Glance (Broom) html
rolling Rolling Window Regression html
scrape Scrape using R html
separate Separate html
solow-model Gather / Spread html
spline Spline html
sqlite SQLite in R html
stargazer Stargazer html
string String html
strsplit Split the Elements of a Character Vector - strsplit html
tables Tables html
tidycensus Tidycensus html
time-series Time Series Functions html



R for data Science

  • R for data science. html


  • Data connectivity. html